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Welcome to Praireland Outfitters
A Note From David Westmoreland, Owner:
All of my life I have been spending as much time as possible in the outdoors. As a young man my Dad always said “You are never going to amount to anything if all you ever want to do is Hunt and Fish!” He was probably right in a sense but I wouldn't change a thing if I could. As a child, I spent endless hours running through the hills and up and down creek banks chasing everything from tadpoles to the biggest bucks I could find. I hunted and trapped my way through college only going to school from January to August just so I could spend all fall hunting and trapping. Although it took me a tad longer to graduate from college, I was rewarded with experiences that no school could ever provide me. My outfitting business provides me the opportunity to share the abundance of knowledge that I have learned in the outdoors with my clients today.
In 1998 I decided to start a small outfitting business hoping to take as few huntersas possible just to help pay for the small properties I had leased at the time. Since that time this practice has not changed. I currently manage over 40,000 acres of prime elk, deer and turkey property all the while taking as few hunters as I possibly can to cover the cost of the properties, food plots, quality tree stands, hunting equipment, lodging, and my supplemental feeding program. My philosophy has always been to never put a hunter into a stand that I would not want to hunt myself. In most cases I only take one group of hunters on each property each year. This allows the hunter to hunt fresh stands that have not been hunted since they were there the previous year. If a hunter chooses to pass an animal he knows that there is a very good chance that the same animal will be there the following year and hopefully even be bigger. On some of the properties I will have no more than one hunter per 1000 acres. This allows the hunters to experience animals acting the way they do naturally!
With Biologic as a sponsor I work very hard to provide as many quality food plots as time will allow. This helps to give the animals the nutrition they need to grow to their full potential. In addition to quality food plots, I support a very intense supplemental feeding program with feeders running year round on every property. I also maintain mineral licks that provide the minerals the bucks and does need to make it through the summer months. I also manage an extensive trail camera network providing an accurate inventory of what I have to offer my clients each year. Typically I will have a picture of every animal harvested. I have a photo history dating back as far as 1998 when the first cameras hit the market.
I thank you for visiting my web site and look forward to visiting with you about how I can help to provide you the best hunting experience of your life. If you would like to book a hunt please shoot me an email, check out the references, or give me a call at any time. I am always anxious to visit about a hunt!

David Westmoreland Age 5

PLO Preferred Taxidermist